Headphones vs Earbuds: Which one is Better?

Alex K Oct 20, 2023
4 People Read
Headphones or earbuds

If you're stuck in the headphones vs earbuds dilemma, I've got your back! Let's break down the pros and cons in simple terms so you can decide without any confusion. For the past couple of months, I have been testing both products. They have many differences but also a few similarities. This guide will help you whether to choose headphones or earbuds.

After dozens of hours spent on this project, I will be sharing my experience with you. This includes answering frequently asked questions such as: Is it safer to wear earbuds or headphones? Are headphones or earbuds better for the gym? Do earbuds push earwax?

Is it safer to wear earbuds or headphones?

Absolutely, over-ear headphones do tend to offer a safer listening experience compared to in-ear earphones. This is mainly due to their design and noise-canceling capabilities. Over-ear headphones, equipped with either effective passive noise isolation or active noise canceling technology, excel at keeping external noises at bay. This means you can savor your music or podcasts at lower volumes without sacrificing audio quality or exposing your ears to potentially harmful high decibel levels. It's a win-win for your ears and your enjoyment of sound.

Are headphones or earbuds better for the gym?

In simple terms, both headphones and earbuds can work well for your gym sessions, and you can pick the one that matches your workout style.

If you love running and doing aerobic exercises, headphones might be your better choice. They tend to stay in place during active movements. On the other hand, earbuds are often designed to resist sweat and are easier to keep clean, making them great for intense workouts.

Now, if you’re into weightlifting or similar activities, regular over-the-ear headphones might be more suitable. They provide a snug fit and are less likely to shift during stationary exercises. Additionally, headphones often excel at blocking out background noise, helping you stay focused on your workout.

Ultimately, it’s all about what helps you enjoy your exercise routine. So, whether you prefer earbuds for your cardio sessions or headphones for your weightlifting sessions, the choice is yours. Let the music pump you up, and let your fitness journey thrive!


Do earbuds push earwax?

Of course, if you’re someone who uses in-ear headphones often, you’ve probably noticed earwax building up on them when you take them out of your ears. While this might not seem like a big deal, it can lead to some health issues, especially if you use in-ear headphones a lot or for long periods.

The main concern here is the risk of ear infections and hearing problems. Here’s how it works: When you wear in-ear headphones for extended periods, it can stop your earwax from coming out naturally, which can create a good environment for dirt and bacteria to build up. This buildup can increase the chances of an ear infection.

Additionally, when earwax piles up and combines with the dirt and bacteria, it can completely block your ear canal. This not only causes discomfort but also affects your hearing. And let’s not forget that loud music or podcasts can also harm your hearing.

So, even though cleaning earwax off your headphones may not seem like a big deal, it’s important to understand the potential problems that can come from using in-ear headphones for a long time and to keep your ears clean and healthy. Your ability to hear well is something worth taking care of!

Prevent earwax buildup due to headphones

If you still prefer to use in-ear headphones instead of over-ear ones, the best modes of prevention are to:

  • Clean your earbuds, as directed, before and after use

  • Do not use in-ear headphones every day or for a prolonged period of time

  • Pay attention to your ear health

The Verdict: Which One’s Better?

Ultimately, there is no definitive answer to the headphones vs earbuds debate. It all comes down to your lifestyle, preferences, and how and where you plan to use them.

  • Choose Headphones If:

    • You prioritize top-notch sound quality and immersive listening experiences.

    • Noise isolation is essential for you, especially in loud environments.

    • Comfort for extended wear is a priority.

  • Choose Earbuds If:

    • Portability and convenience are your top concerns.

    • You need a wireless option for workouts, commuting, or daily multitasking.

    • You prefer something lightweight and unobtrusive.

Conclusion: Final option

In my opinion, you should consider getting yourself a pair of earbuds. While headphones were great in 2017/2018, earbuds now offer just as many features. Of course, if you prioritize top-notch sound quality and noise isolation, you should probably opt for headphones. However, earbuds already come with noise cancellation, so it's better to reconsider your choice before investing in very expensive devices like headphones. I'm not saying that earbuds are not expensive, but if you compare the prices of both, you will immediately see which one is cheaper – yes, the earbuds.

As a huge music enthusiast, I have to admit that the music experience with headphones is much better. So, if you have enough money to spend, don't hesitate to buy yourself a nice pair of high-quality Bose or Sony headphones.

The choice is entirely up to you.

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